
Installation and Usage#

To install the library:

pip install -U mal-api

To import the library:

from mal import *


To call the API, you need to create an object.

ID Query Example

from mal import Anime
anime = Anime(1)   # Cowboy Bebop
print(anime.score) # prints 8.82
anime.reload()     # reload object
print(anime.score) # prints 8.81

Search Query Example

from mal import AnimeSearch
search = AnimeSearch("cowboy bebop") # Search for "cowboy bebop"
print(search.results[0].title)       # Get title of first result


To configure timeout (default timeout is 5 seconds):

from mal import Anime
from mal import config
config.TIMEOUT = 1           # Import level config
anime = Anime(1, timeout=1)  # Object level config